1. In short.

TenNine VC is investing in planet positive innovation and responsible future.

We back teams who tackle global issues with outsized impact, each measured in benefitting a minimum of 100M human lives and generating $100M in revenues during our investment period.

We support Seed and Series A startups in Climatetech, Cleantech and impactful frontier technologies from Europe, UK and the US.

Selected investments are shared with our TenNine Syndicate for per-deal coinvestments.

🔗 Quick links.

Our purpose.

We see our recent society in a confluence of discords with nature. We are depleting essential resources at accelerating velocity and there is little doubt that we need to rethink our relationship with Earth and its ecosystems for the sake of our common survival.


Opportunities are many, though, for preservation and exuberance of all life which inhabits Earth, through technology or otherwise. Those who create, discover, enable and promote planet positive initiatives stand a chance to engage in bettering the most important societal topics of our time.


With TenNine VC we are taking our own meaningful role in steering the future towards a healthy, clean, inclusive, just and prosperous global society. We believe that future is the legacy which we create now; what we leave behind must witness our present purpose.


Our purpose is simple to define. 


We want to activate and direct the financial and human capital in building planet positive companies and bettering our collective future. 


And improve 109 lives.

ESG and SDG.

We engage to support 12 UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

We collaborate with global expertise centres on developing future directives and frameworks for responsible venture investing and impact evaluation of the companies which we back.

TenNine sustainable goals SDG.

We join for impact. Wherever we operate, we are committed to upholding and promoting professional ethics and social responsibility observance, worthy of the world we want to leave as our legacy. We build on excellence, engagement and equality.

We are global, inclusive, diverse and independent. We transcend national, religious and gender qualifications. We promote equal opportunities, inclusion and diversity, throughout our own operations, services which we offer, missions which we promote and collectives which we support.

1% Pledge.

1% of TenNine VC’s profits are donated to good causes. 

Beneficiaries are voted by the TenNine VC Syndicate.

🧭 Navigator.